Admission Process Steps
Step One:
Fill out the General Interest Form on this page.
Step Two:
Balance will call you to discuss your needs and our programs.
Step Three:
Contact your Case Manager (Community Care or IRIS) and discuss your interest in Balance’s programs.
Step Four:
Based on availability and suitability Balance may initiate “Pre-Admission” and will give the family paperwork to fill out. This paperwork will provide Balance with a more complete understanding of the individual who is in-need of services.
Step Five:
If it is determined that the individual is a good fit, full admission will be coordinated with the family and Management Care Organization or IRIS.
*Based on the expertise and current training of Balance staff, the following do not fit our capabilities:
• Significant/Severe behavioral issues
• Individuals who need nursing or medical care
• Individuals who need injections that require staff administration
• Medical or physical limitations that preclude the individual from regular community integration
General Interest Form