Happy New Year *video* message
You showed up!
A video message from Balance’s CEO / Executive Director Jordan Luhr.
We asked for your help and you sure did come through!
Our goal for our 2022 Annual Appeal was to raise $40,000 to help facilitate much-needed pay increases for our Direct Support Professionals (DSPs).
You went above and beyond and as of today, you've helped us raise over $50,000 during our Annual Appeal. We are so pleased to announce that because of your support, we have been able to increase the starting pay of our DSPs.
Balance was able to raise the starting pay for Day Program staff from $12.25 per hour to $14.00 per hour. We were also able to raise the starting pay for our Adult Family Home staff from $12.25 per hour to $15.00 per hour.
Thank you so much for donating and sharing our mission with your friends and family.
Happy New Year to you and yours, we hope that 2023 will bring you an abundance of joy.